
Planning Tracking Management

  Key Features:

  • Mobile application for data collection (DPR, MC logs, etc.) from the site.
  • Data is stored in server and can be accessed from any location like head office.
  • BI tools like bar-charts, strip-charts, User Defined Dashboard.
  • Resource consumption evaluated with workdone to monitor efficiency.
  • Data can be reformatted for subsequent ERP submission like SAP, to avoid data collection duplication and concurrency in data.
  • Module for Document management, Lab testing, work progress compliances.
  • CalQuan PTM is not an ERP, It is a software solution that goes hand in hand with any ERP to enhance the efficiency.
  • Includes monthly, detailed planning tools, detailed planning can be exported to MSP or Primavera, no need of any rework.
  • Dynamic generation of plan v/s work done reports.

Software ensures efficient planning, tracking, and management of linear projects, facilitating informed decision-making and enhanced project outcomes.